Integrative therapy:
when you are looking
for more than just
"basic talk therapy."
Pam Kuras, LCSW
Grief Counselor
Serious loss turned your world
upside down.
You feel like you are “going crazy.”
You don’t even know where to start.
Integrative grief therapy
brings all the pieces together.
Holistic approach to healing:
The past: Come to terms with what happened, without dwelling on it.
The present: Create a customized plan to help you adjust to new, healthier routines for daily living.
The future: Move forward with practical skills to bring hope for yourself and your family.
Are you feeling overwhelmed, anxious, angry, exhausted?
Don't continue to suffer through each day and lose sleep every night.
Call today and we’ll get started so you can feel better asap.
Common grief and loss issues
Death in your family
Job loss
Traumatic event
Job burnout
Serious illness
Caregiver stress

At Johnston Integrative Counseling,
you learn practical skills
to use at work and home.
So you can feel better immediately.

Rave Reviews
*names withheld to protect privacy
"Grief is so hard, but you have given us some real skills that we can use going forward for the “waves” to come."
"You seem to be a natural at it, as well as so aptly educated, and I thank you for all you did to assist and comfort me. I would recommend you to everyone in need of that shoulder of yours! If we all had your strength of compassion, what a better world it would be."
"Your light shines bright for all to see! Your kind heart and gentle nature will never be forgotten.
Thank you so much for being you."

"There is no grief like the grief that does not speak."
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Specialized Grief Support